Gretta Rose and Dee Dee Whittaker traveled to Washington DC with the Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce on September 14 and 15. They traveled with community and business leaders to meet with the Kentucky Congressional delegation and their staffs, Department officials and other major decision makers to share our community’s priorities pertinent to the Paducah/McCracken County business community and region. The Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce has been leading this Fly-In for the past 13 years. Past meetings have resulted in grants for the arts community, the designation of the Paducah Riverport as Foreign Trade Zone and senior Department of Energy Officials visiting our area and the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion site, cleanup funding for the DOE Paducah Site has continued and the Quilt Museum was designated by Congress as “The National Quilt Museum”. funding repairs of the Paducah Flood Protection System has continued and much more. Building relationships with our federal officials enables our community to have its voice heard on issues that are important to the economic health and quality of life of our residents. Beltline was a Congressional Level sponsor of the trip.
Pictured from left are Gretta Rose, Dee Dee Whittaker, Rachel Rayburn of Ingram Barge, Nikki Coursey with Lourdes Hospital and Kate Shanks with the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce